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BragBites & Photos

What are BragBites?
BragBites are an easy way to brag on your favorite choir member(s)!
These look just like a yearbook ad with a 
photo of the choir member(s) and a message. BragBites will be published in our professionally made Spring Concert Program. 

BragBite Pricing:
Full Page(7.5 x 10): $200
Half Page (7.5 x 4.875): $125
Quarter Page (3.625 x 4.875): $80
Business Card (3.625 x 1.8): $50

Can I buy the photos for personal use?
Absolutely. Enter your information on the form choosing just the photo option for $10, and your digital images will be emailed to you. Be sure to choose the photo numbers you would like and enter those numbers on the form. (Click on the photo for the number to show up below the photo.)

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Remember to pay below...

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